Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing our app MeeU (“App”) and related services!

Before installing our products or using related services, you should read all terms in Terms of Service (The “Agreement”) carefully. All clauses in this Agreement are legally between you and MeeU Team (“us” or “we” or “our” or “Developer”). You should carefully read this Agreement and agree that all the following terms and conditions you have understood completely. Please note that we reserves the right that to disclaimer or limit liability in particular instance (the “Exemption Clauses”); that to impose restrictions on user rights (the “Restrictions”), that to enact the terms of Disputation Resolution and Jurisdiction, and to apply an agreement for particular service exclusively.

The Exemption Clauses, Restrictions and Disputation Resolution and Jurisdiction will be presented in bold, unique colored or another reasonable way to remind you, including, but not limited the clauses of Sections 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 13 shall survive termination of this Agreement for any reason. If you confirm, you agree to accept these terms. Please make sure that you have acknowledged and agreed to all of these terms before you install our app or use related services. Both parties should acknowledge and agree this Agreement has its legality and validity.

If you do not agree to the Terms of this Agreement, you are not permitted to install, register, or use the App. You will be regarded as to agree on this Agreement if you do the following action: Click the button of “Agree,” “Accept” or “Next Step,” register or use our related services.

We reserve the right to amend, change, modify, expand, or remove portions of the terms in this Agreement at any time. You will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use any of the terms in this Agreement. If at any point you do not agree to any changes of the current version of the Terms or any related codes or rules to your services, then you must cease your use of the Apps, and your relevant license to use the Apps will be immediately terminated.

1. Definition

If there is no individual instruction, the following terms in this Agreement will be:

1.1 Terms of Agreement: This Agreement contains its main body and related amended editions, application usage rules alongside with its relating amended versions. This content has been mentioned will be regarded as one of the necessitates when this Agreement has been released.

1.2 You: “User,” which refer to the natural person who accepts or use our services.

2. Intellectual Property

The App and related service are authorized legally by developers or the relevant people who reserve the legal rights to operate, which is protected by the laws regulations on intellectual property protection in Hong Kong, International Copyright Treaty and other Intellectual Property and relating clauses.

3. Service Content

3.1 The Apps are available for use only by authorized end users following the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. We provide users an inalienability and non-exclusiveness license to use our services, including:

3.1.1 Accept, download, install, start, update, register, display and operate the App;

3.12 Create accounts in the App, set the name; check user rules, user profile, match results, use chat function, social sharing function;

3.1.3 Use one or more other features that the game supports and allows.

3.2 The specific content of our services is provided by us according to the actual situation. We reserve the right to change, discontinue or terminate some or all services at any time.

3.3 Users should use legitimate software to receive services.

3.4 You will purchase the services in the App by subscription.

3.5 The content you post in the App has the potential to be featured as popular.

4. User Accounts

4.1 Register account

4.1.1 To register an account, you may need to create a user account with your necessary personal information. Users shall guarantee that the information provided is authentic, completed, and correct, and prepare to assume the relevant legal responsibility for the information provided by the law and all the terms provided of this agreement.

4.2 Accounts use

The users cannot present in following behaviors when use our services:

4.2.1 Delete all the relevant information relating the brand, copyright, and other rights of the App and its corresponding counterpart.

4.2.2 Attempt to do reverse engineer, disassemble and decompile on the App.

4.2.3 About the relevant information of the App, without developers’ express written consent, people do not have the right to do the following action, including, but not limited to, by attempting to use, copy, modify, link, transfer, assemble, publish, display, mirror or frame the website to develop derivative products within the App.

4.2.4 Attempt to use the App to publish, disseminate and store content that infringes on the national security, social stability, public order, social morality, or to advocate gamble, abuse, slander, bawdy, or any sexual connotation and offensive content that against national laws, regulations and policies to make any uneasiness to the others, or set the net name, role-name containing the above details by any means.

4.2.5 Attempt to publish, transmit, disseminate, and store content that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others, such as intellectual property rights, trade secret rights, portrait rights, and privacy by use of the App and related services.

4.2.6 Conduct any actions that to infringe computer network security, including, but not limited to: use of unlicensed data or access to unauthorized servers/accounts; access to public computer networks or other computer systems to delete, modify or expand stored information without permission; attempts to probe, scan, test the weaknesses of the App, network or other actions that undermine network security, without permission; attempt to engage in acts of interfering with or disrupt the regular operation of the App or website, intentionally spread malicious programs or viruses and other disruptive interference of the network information service; forging any TCP/IP packet header or any part of the header information in any way to send altered, deceptive or false source-identifying information.

4.2.7 attempt to publish any fraudulent, false, misleading, or deceptive information by pretending to be the developers, application service administrators, application form administrators or moderators.

4.2.8 engage in acts or attempts to abuse, harm harass, and violence towards another person or illegally collect information through our service system by any means.

4.2.9 use our service system to carry out any actions that may adversely affect the normal operation of the Internet or any behavior that is not conducive to us.

4.3 Protection of user’s account

4.3.1 We reserves the right to review identity information provided by the user registered is true or not and have responsibility to guarantee the security and effectiveness of the user account by actively adopting reasonable measures in technology and management. Users are obliged to keep their accounts and passwords properly and use their accounts and passwords correctly and securely. If any party fails to perform the above obligations resulting in the loss of the account password, the account is stolen, etc., and the civil rights of the user and others are damaged, the legal liability arising therefrom shall be borne.

4.3.2 We has the rights and responsibilities for the actions of the account held after login. If there is any third direction, we give instructions, in the case of confirming that the account and password information is accurate, as long as the user agrees, we have the right to consider that we have obtained the user’s full authorization, and the consequences are all caused by the users.

4.3.3 If the user finds that the account or password has been illegally used by others or has abnormal use, please notify us immediately and have the right to inform us to suspend the login and use of the account, but the user should provide the App.

4.4 User account services

We have the right to provide rules descriptions, complaints, customer appeals or other customer services to the users. Users should:

4.4.1 Users shall consider carefully whether to choose and accept the corresponding customer services or not, and truly express the demand to us;

4.4.2 Agree and accept all the terms related to the exclusive agreement or clauses of the customer services;

4.4.3 We reserve rights to stop the right of using this account if your account was regarded as stolen.

4.5 We will not assume the responsibility for that if the others illegally use the account or password due to the user's reasons. The user's responsibilities, including, but are not limited to: arbitrarily disclose the account number and password and all registration materials to the third party; multiple people share the same account; install illegal or unclear programs.

5. Privacy policies and information protected

5.1 Respect for the privacy of the user’s private information is the principle of the App and related services. Developers should adopt appropriate measures to protect the user’s privacy. The user’s private information should not be disclosed to any other party without the permission of users, except for the legal reasons, or some legal authority of government departments requested or otherwise consented by the users individually.

5.2 User’s information protection

Developers shall inform the privacy protection policies and personal information utilization policies to users in advance when requesting users to provide relevant information about their secret identities, and they should take necessary measures to protect the security of users’ data.

6. Ownership

6.1 All rights, title and interest in and to the Apps (including, without limitation, any subtitles, computer code, themes) are owned solely by us. We reserve all rights, including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights in connection with the App.

6.2 No one may copy, de-compile, disassemble any function or program without the authorization of we, and may not reverse engineer any service and/or application.

6.3 The Users hereby agree and acknowledge that the User Account Data and all other relevant information, including but not limited to personal information provided by the User, are owned by us. We grant users the right to use it according to this agreement. We have the right to dispose of the user account data and all other relevant information.

6.4 We may involve third-party intellectual property rights, and such third parties shall comply with the requirements of users for the use of such intellectual property rights in us based on this agreement.

6.5 Given the particularity of the Internet, users must comply with the laws and regulations which is according to the relevant countries and regions as well as the related international intellectual property rights when posting on the App.

7. Suspension and Termination of Services

7.1 Suspension of Services

7.1 The user hereby agrees and confirms that when one of the following acts occurs, we have the right to suspend some or all of the services for the users and to freeze the account number:

7.1.1 Provide false registration information;

7.1.2 Conduct illegal actions against this Agreement;

We reserve the right to stop offering and/or supporting the services, at which point your license to use the services or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. In such event, we shall inform users the duration of termination, which is reasonable. After the expiration of the suspension, we shall promptly resume the services to the users. However, when the suspension period expires, if the user's default status still exists, we reserve the right to extend the period of suspension of service.

7.1.3 The account data of the App may be abnormal due to third-party virus attacks, or any other factors; We is obliged to figure out the reasons for suspension when the situation of 7.1.3 happens. In this event, we shall not be required to assume any responsibilities for the users and have the right to restore the App to the state before the abnormality, if we found that the abnormal data are out of normal behavior.

7.1.4 Users conduct any actions that infringe the rights or benefits of the third-party.

7.2 Termination of Services

We reserve the rights to terminate the App for the users and delete the account if you implemented one of the following actions that have acknowledged:

7.2.1 Engage in action of harassing, disturbing, deceiving other users in public, or publish, post illegal information to violate social morality.

7.2.2 Behaviors of violating seriously the social morality and other related violations that the laws prohibited.

7.2.3 Attempt to use the App or participate in our activities through the illegal, improper and other unfair means.

7.2.4 Attempt to interfere with we to provide products and services normally, including, but not limited to attack, invade into our website server, the App server of the client program, or make website sever overload.

7.2.5 Crack and modify the App program provided by us;

7.2.6 Produce, publish, disseminate or use subsidiary tool or program (plug-in) by any means attempt to interfere with the fairness of the App.

7.2.7 Use program bugs and defects attempt to spoil the App operation or disseminate these Bugs and defects in public.

7.2.8 Engage the acts that unreasonably disrupt the Apps or any other person’s use, or enjoyment of the App or interests provided by us.

7.3 Users hereby shall acknowledge and agree that we reserve the right to stop providing the Apps and deal with such accounts who has violated provisions of 7.2. For the serious one, we even have right to report the severe cases to the public security and to do a proper investigation (including but not limited to users, the third parties were involved in the illegal transactions).

7.4 Notwithstanding any provision to the contract herein, you also acknowledge and agree that your account data, information, rights, and interests would be removed when we do such actions of freezing, terminating, removing user’s account, which is according to this Agreement. In such events, the users will hold responsible for such loss, and there is no obligation for we to compensate for any of this.

7.5 To maintain and guarantee the fairness when people playing our games, we reserve the rights to do the measures of publishing services notifications timelessly according to this Agreement after we have found users’ data is abnormal, regardless of the users has responsible for this fault. In such actions, including, but not limited to freeze, terminate, suspend, delete this account; users shall acknowledge and agree with such above actions we can do, and promises not to request any compensation or refund for any reason.

8. Services interruption and stop

8.1 To maintain and guarantee the normal operation of the App, users shall acknowledge and understand that we have right to stop the App for whatever regular basis or not. We promise that we will notify you as much as possible when such above situations happen. Therefore, please understand for such actions that may cause the interruption and stop of normal service.

8.2 We reserves the right to stop or cease to provide services when following such cases happen. Users herein shall acknowledge and agree that not to request any obligations to us that may cause stop or terminate the rights of using services, and there is no under obligation for we to compensate any for this.

8.2.1 Check, inspect or update hard-wares and soft-wares regularly.

8.2.2 Severs were suffered from damage and cannot work properly.

8.2.3 Sudden failure of hardware and software, and electronic communication equipment.

8.2.4 Failure of network provider that cannot provide services.

8.2.5 To protect national security, other members, or the third-parts’ security in emergency situation.

8.2.6 Force majeure and the reason of third-part that cause we cannot provide services.

8.2.7 Requirements of relevant government institution.

8.3 Users herein shall acknowledge and confirm that: in the event of a termination of this Agreement, any right you may have to access are forfeit.

9. Special notification

9.1 The users shall acknowledge and agree that we reserve the rights to move the users of the same application that exist on different servers to the same server for consolidation (which refers to as “combination”) that according to the requirement of our actual operation and cost for the App. After this action, user’s account information and data are still valid, and users with this shall acknowledge and agree any reasonable changes that lead by such combination. In such event of termination of this Agreement, users shall agree that we choose to cease providing part of or all of the Apps and provide you with no less than 60 days prior notice, and who also should hold a clear understanding that not to request any compensation whatever the direct loss or not will be on yourselves and the third-parties that relating to the rights have mentioned, and voluntarily assume any obligation for any reason.

9.2 The user hereby confirms and agrees that the relevant data of the App will occupy the server space of the App, and retain all the data generated by the user in the process of using and enjoying the App for a long time, and will be largely it is completely unnecessary to squeeze the server space, affect the speed of users and other users, and increase the operating cost of us. Therefore, we will periodically transfer some of the past data stored on the server or permanently delete it.

9.3 The user hereby confirms and agrees that the user's conduct in violation of relevant laws and regulations or this Agreement is an imminent and instantaneous disappearance. At present, we usually set a security program in the server software and/or client software, and the security program analyzes and judges the received data transmitted from the mobile phone used by the user. Of course, we may also adopt different methods to analyze and judge. However, no matter which methods we adopt to judge the violation of relevant laws and regulations or this agreement by users, the user's consent is based on the relevant data and judgment methods and standards provided by us. The user has no objection to this.

9.4 The user hereby confirms and agrees that the violation of relevant laws and regulations or this agreement by the user may be an instant moment that allows many users to know the behavior. If we do not take various measures immediately, it can cause very serious and very bad consequences. In this regard, the user is fully understood and fully agrees that we have the right to take relevant measures.

9.5 We commit to abide by the state's laws and policies on protecting the physical and mental health of young people and protect the physical and mental health of young people in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. Users should abide by the relevant national laws and regulations and the rules and regulations on the protection of adolescents' physical and mental health.

9.6 We reserves the right to take relevant measures and adopt one or more of the following measures are consented by uses when the person has violated the relating laws or regulations:

(1) Immediately disconnect the network connection between the user's current mobile phone and the App server, the user must log in again to continue using the App;

(2) Temporarily prohibit users from logging in to the App with the currently used account;

(3) Temporarily prohibit users from making any comments in the App with the currently used account;

(4) Permanently and irrevocably delete advertisements, false information or illegal statements posted by users, or take other measures to prevent their dissemination;

(5) Permanently and irrevocably prohibit users from making any comments in online games with the currently used account;

(6) Permanently and irrevocably delete all data under the account item currently used by the user;

(7) Permanently and irrevocably prohibit the user from logging in to the App by using the currently used account, and delete and clear all the data, and the like generated by the account in the App;

(8) Take other measures than the above.

9.12 We have the right to take one or more of the above measures continuously, intermittently or alternately.

10. Risk and disclaimer

10.1 We do not accept any express or implied warranty for the services provided by us, and the stability, security, error and uninterrupted service provided by us may also be affected by the circumstances described in Article 8. The user shall bear all risks and possible damages caused by the use of the App, resulting in the user or the computer system used by the user. Damage caused by the cause, or loss of any data, etc.

10.2 We does not guarantee that there will be no program bugs and will not be liable for any problems arising therefrom.

10.3 We does not guarantee our Apps provided that will satisfy each user’s requirement. And we also cannot promise that the Apps will not be interrupted, or that the App will be timely, safe, correct, or successfully transited.

10.4 Users shall acknowledge and agree that any risks of using our Apps will be entirely by themselves; all consequences arising from the use of our Apps are also borne by yourself, and we assume no responsibility to the users for any reason.

10.5 The User hereby agrees and acknowledges that, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Apps provided by us are provided to the User on an "as is" and "as available" basis and do not include any types of express or implied warranty ( This includes, but is not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and various possibilities arising from trading habits. We do not guarantee that users can access or use our Apps according to the time and place they choose. We do not guarantee that our Apps will not be interrupted or error-free, we will not guarantee that the defects will be corrected, and we will not guarantee that our Apps are free of viruses or other harmful elements.

10.6 The users hereby confirm and agree that there is an objective situation of non-interoperability between different operating systems. This objective situation is not caused by us, which may result in the user's data cannot be smoothly transferred to another operation system. In the system, due to the user's risk of data loss caused by switching between different systems, the user shall bear the responsibility and shall not require any responsibility of us.

10.7 The User hereby agrees and acknowledges that the use of the App in connection with Internet Apps may be affected by instability in all aspects. Therefore, the App has the risk of App interruption or failure to meet user requirements caused by force majeure, mobile phone virus or hacker attack, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and any other technology, internet, communication line reasons.

10.8 The user hereby agrees and acknowledges that the use of the App includes any content that is threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal, or infringement of the rights of others (including intellectual property rights) from any other person. The risk of impersonation information is subject to the above risks, and the developer does not make any type of guarantee, whether explicit or implied, including all informational authenticity, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership and non-infringement. Implied warranties and conditions shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages resulting from the user's improper or unlawful use of the App.

10.9 Users understand that the App, like most Internet products, is vulnerable to a variety of security issues, including but not limited to:

(1) The user improperly discloses the detailed personal data and is used by criminals to cause harassment in real life;

(2) The user is tricked to lost password;

(3) Other software downloaded and installed by users contains viruses such as “Trojan Horse”, which threatens the security of information and data on personal mobile phones, and then threatens the use of the App.

10.10 The opinions, suggestions, and other contents expressed by the users on the App are the individual opinions of themselves, which do not represent our opinions, as a result, users shall assume all consequences that raising from the legal disputes are not under our responsibility, and there is no obligation for us to compensate.

11. Obligation for us

11.1 Use the Internet to provide users with network services within the scope permitted by laws and regulations.

11.2 Obligate to keep confidentiality of user information in strict accordance with the provisions of this agreement.

11.3 Commitment in each application, there is no human behavior or manipulation behavior, which is a random distribution behavior of the system.

12. Liquidated Damages

12.1 The User agrees to protect and safeguard the interests of us and other users. If the user violates any relevant laws, regulations or any terms of this Agreement, the Company, or its affiliates, servants, trustees, agents or / and other related performance supporters or any other third party for damages or expenses (including but not limited to litigation costs incurred by legal proceedings, administrative procedures, attorney fees, actual losses incurred, etc.), the liability for damages should be borne by the users.

12.2 We are not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, derivative damages or lost profits caused by the use of our products or the inability to use the Internet.

13. Supplementary Provisions

The interpretation, validity and resolution of this agreement shall apply to the laws of Hong Kong. In the event of any dispute or dispute arising from this Agreement, all parties shall settle it through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, it shall be finally resolved by arbitration referred to Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre in accordance with its arbitration rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted, and the seat of arbitration shall be Hong Kong. We reserve the right to interpret this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.